In partnership with

Insurance Insider (Re)Connect 2021

The industry's premier virtual gathering


6 - 9 September 2021

Insurance Insider (Re)Connect


21 May 2020

Insider (Re)Connect 2021, in partnership with Lloyd’s, will be taking place 6– 9 September and will once again unite the global (re)insurance industry to meet and interact virtually to kickstart the crucial 1.1 renewals season. 

The four-day interactive agenda will allow participants to hear thought-provoking debates and discussions on how the last 18 months – dominated by Covid-19 – has impacted the (re)insurance industry, and how carriers and brokers can navigate the complex landscape ahead for the good of both their clients and their businesses.


Insider (Re)Connect 2021 will showcase an unparalleled line-up of high-profile speakers who will place collective expertise behind solving the most prominent challenges brought about by the crisis. Discussions will also examine how the industry is best placed to absorb the forces which have caused major changes and build resilience for the road ahead.


Previous Attending Companies Include

• Abernite & InsTech  ADC Business Services Ltd  Allianz Risk Transfer  AmTrust  Anansi  Aon Securities Ltd • Argenta Private Capital Limited  Assured Partners  Asta  Atrium Underwriters Ltd  Aurous  Aviva  AXA XL  AXIS Capital  Barbican Insurance Group • Beat Capital Partners  BelMead Tech Solutions  BGC Partners  Boston Consulting Group & InsTech  Brit Insurance  Caldwell Partners  Capsicum Re  Cathedral Underwriting Limited  Charles Taylor Managing Agency  Chaucer • CNA Hardy  Collibra  Corax Cyber  Coverly  Crescendo Advisors  Cucbic Risk Solutions  Cytora  Decision Research  Corporation  Detech Technologies Ltd  DevOpsGroup  Digital Fineprint  Direct Insurance  DLA PIPER  LLP  Duck Creek Technologies  Ebix Europe  ECMS  Ed Broking  Ed Broking LLP  Equinix  Ernst & Young  Everest Re  Eversoft  FintechOS  Fractal Industries  Guy Carpenter  Hampden Agencies  IDA Ireland  Inter Hannover UK  INZMO  JDX Consulting  JLT Re  JLT Specialty  Kames Capital  Kingsbridge Group  L Marks  Lancashire Group  Leadenhall Capital Partners  Liberty Specialty Markets  Lloyd's  Lloyds Bank  Lysander PR  Macquarie Capital  Macquarie Group  MetSwift  Milliman  Navigators  Nephila Advisors UK  Ninety Consulting  Northdoor  Objective Risk  Oliver James Associates  Panmure Gordon  Parker Norfolk  Peel Hunt LLP  Photocert  Pinewalk  Pioneer Underwriters  Previsico  QBE  RedAir  Reflexive Consulting  Rein4ce • RenRe  Samsung Life Insurance• Sanderson Asset Management  Savills • SCOR Global P&C SE  Sedgwick  Se Sequel  quel  Serone Capital  Shore Capital  Sidley Austin  Six Degrees • Slipcas  Stealth Mode Startup  Tempo Underwriting • Thomas Miller Holdings  TigerRisk Partners (UK)  TIW Group Ltd  Tokio Marine Holdings  Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates Limited • Transatlantic Reinsurance Co  TSIQ Limited • UiPath • Verisk  Vibe Services Management  VTX Partners  Web Connectivity  Willis Tower Watson 


Just some of the companies in attendance last year

• Abernite & InsTech   AmTrust  Anansi  Aon Securities Ltd • Asta  Atrium Underwriters Ltd  Aurous  Aviva  AXA XL  AXIS Capital  Barbican Insurance Group • Beat Capital Partners  Boston Consulting Group & InsTech  Brit Insurance  Caldwell Partners  Capsicum Re  Cathedral Underwriting Limited  Charles Taylor Managing Agency  Chaucer • CNA Hardy  Coverly  Crescendo Advisors  Cucbic Risk Solutions  Cytora  Decision Research  Corporation  Digital Fineprint  Direct Insurance  DLA PIPER  LLP  ECMS  Ed Broking  Ed Broking LLP  Equinix  Ernst & Young  Everest Re  Fractal Industries  Guy Carpenter  Hampden Agencies  IDA Ireland  Inter Hannover UK  INZMO  JLT Specialty  Kames Capital  Kingsbridge Group  Leadenhall Capital Partners  Liberty Specialty Markets  Lloyd's  Lloyds Bank  Lysander PR  MetSwift  Milliman  Navigators Northdoor  Objective Risk  Oliver James Associates  Panmure Gordon  Pioneer Underwriters  Previsico  QBE  RenRe  Samsung Life Insurance• Sanderson Asset Management  Savills • SCOR Global P&C SE  Sedgwick  Sequel  • Slipcas  Stealth Mode Startup  TigerRisk Partners (UK)  Tokio Marine Kiln Syndicates Limited • Verisk  Web Connectivity  Willis Tower Watson 

What Previous Attendees Say

"InsiderTech London is characterised by an excellent quality of relevant speakers, with an understanding of what leading insurance executives and decision-makers
want to hear."

"Excellent topics with great speakers, what more could you ask for?"

"In the rapidly developing Insuretech space, this conference is a statement of progress to date." 



"Great event, thought-provoking and diverse speakers and panels."





8 Fenchurch Place



Click here for directions to the venue.


Download the Full Preview

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Insider (Re)Connect is the premier virtual meeting place to interact with key decision-makers and leaders from across the international (re)insurance markets

Meetings - online and in-person
Book video meetings with peers and clients in the lead up to the event. You can book meetings online or, if you are a Lloyd's passholder, in person at Lloyd's building.

Live discussion and Q&A

Hear and engage with a line-up of over 50 key voices from the reinsurance industry. All live sessions will include Q&A


Use our messaging function to reach out to peers and clients or make use of the AI matchmaking functionality to make new connections! Rate connections and download the full contact details for easy follow ups post-event.

Virtual Exhibition
Product demos, live chat and interactive booths and meeting spaces, all from our esteemed line-up of sponsors.

Network virtually and kickstart your 1.1s

In addition to fireside chats and interactive panel discussions, participants will have the opportunity to discuss the above key themes and topics through one-to-one and group meetings which can be scheduled up to four weeks in advance of the event, as well as informal networking and social activities allowing you to spend quality time with your peers. 

Are you a Lloyd’s pass holder? 

Meet other delegates in person! Share a coffee face-to-face with other pass holders who are attending the event; schedule your meetings through the virtual platform and choose the Lloyd’s Coffee House as your meeting location. A meeting area will be very kindly hosted by Lloyd’s and time slots will be subject to availability to ensure Covid-19 measures are followed, as per current government guidelines.


All participants must abide by the health and safety procedures and protocols we put in place, for everybody’s safety. For more details on the precautions we will be taking, view the Euromoney Events Shield here.






Key themes and topics

Casualty and Covid-19

Since Covid-19 dominated the headlines from March 2020, the effect of rising jury awards and social inflation on the (re)insurance industry’s loss ratio has been somewhat sidelined.

However, the forces which have caused major reserve charges at several (re)insurers are still at play and have the potential to influence industry dynamics for years to come.

At this year’s Reconnect we will examine how the impact of social inflation will collide with the long-tail liabilities generated by Covid-19, and discuss how well the industry is placed to absorb it.

BI - the billion-dollar question

Insurers are starting to get more clarity on their underlying business interruption losses following judicial decisions and as claims payments begin to flow. This means that negotiations with reinsurers over how their own cover may respond to the pandemic are set to get serious, after initially being put on the backburner. 

More broadly speaking, the experience has drawn fresh attention to the importance of contract clarity and preparing for worst-case scenarios. 

Cyber recalibration

This year has seen a major repricing effort from the primary cyber market as it seeks to regain control over swelling loss ratios as a result of surging ransomware attacks.

Cyber reinsurers are watching with interest. Are the repricing efforts enough to make cyber a profitable line of business once more? Are we looking at a multi-year correction in rates?

Meanwhile, the challenge of managing aggrega-tions and encouraging more capacity to the cyber reinsurance space remains. What is next for this niche class of business?

ILS rebuild

After a challenging few years, the ILS market is seeking to capitalise on the rating momentum of 2020 and surging demand for alternative investments by returning to growth.

But the pace of the rebuild is uneven, as winners and losers have emerged in the past few years, and investor demand is increasingly looking for a new spin on their ILS portfolio – whether that be getting closer to primary markets, expanding beyond cat or asking for more ESG disclosures. 

For cedants, the demand for liquidity has created an opportunity on the cat bond market, but these forces will undoubtedly also reshape the future direction of interactions with the alternative segment in other ways. 

ESG progress

Announcements of new ESG initiatives and commitments from (re)insurers are popping up on a regular basis.  But adapting ESG considera-tions to an underwriting risk framework from the investment asset owner perspective brings its own set of challenges. 

Where will the industry need to collaborate to achieve change and where can its efforts be most fruitful? 

Rating outlook 

This may be the first broad-based reinsurance market upturn in decades, but the Covid correction is still leaving some lukewarm. 

Many (re)insurers are focussing their growth in the primary market, and few are describing this as a hard reinsurance market. 

So, is the cycle still broken, or is this a more stable, moderate correction that will persist? 

Year One: Class of 2020 impact 

The influx of capital to the (re)insurance market spawned a number of new start-ups and brought new competitive forces to the industry. 

But how have the experiences of this new clutch of carriers changed the way the industry thinks about its funding options, and are there lessons to be learned from those start-ups which didn’t quite make it over the line?

We will also discuss what future consolidation and deconsolidation the industry is expecting, as well as how initiatives such as follow-only vehicles at Lloyd’s could change the landscape for both competitors and investors. 

Post-pandemic recovery?

Some observers are of the opinion that we are in for another “roaring 20s”, while the more bearish among us believe a stop-start recovery is on the cards. With this in mind, how can the (re)insurance industry position itself post-pandemic?

At this year’s Reconnect, we will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the market post-Covid – from navigating a challenging investment landscape to capitalising on 
sector-specific opportunities arising from an economic bounce back.

And after a year where the industry took a reputational hit from BI disputes, the question of how (re)insurers stay relevant to their clients and meet their needs is more important than ever. 

Pandemic risk 

The industry has been clear that it cannot bear the global systemic risk of a Covid type pandemic and several insurers have already outlined ideas for public-private schemes. 

How should reinsurers be positioning their role and seeking to collaborate on these initiatives? 

Moreover, how are their interactions with cedants being reshaped



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